Monday, April 20, 2009

Ahhh, the Weekend

Ever wonder just what a day in the life of Lisa looks like when she is NOT thinking about work, studying, class, or even midwifery, AND she doesn't have the company of her children? .......

......Yes...and don't I have a beautiful world surrounding me? Sometimes it just reminds me that I really should not take advantage of the fact that all this is nearly in my own back yard. How many people can really say that.









Friday, April 17, 2009

April is half gone!

I am so anxiously awaiting an email from AAMI, I hold my breath ever time I check. Goodness!
I know I need to be patient and just wait but it is hard.

I took my first test in Nutrition-Yep, I knew every answer. It is definitely the easy part of the class and it will get harder, but I am not concerned.
This is really an amazing subject. I really have found it to be an interest here and could go forward for more learning on the subject. I would really love to expand beyond this class as I feel the more I could learn, the more details, the better understanding I would have and I strongly believe it is absolutely HUGE in the field of midwifery.
I feel good nutrition in pregnancy can be the biggest key to a healthy mom, baby, and experience as well as making a big difference in breastfeeding as it insures that milk production will be plentiful and nutritious.

So many people take things like medicine for granted. They (including the government-but I don't like to go there) act like our nations problems are with the health care and insurance systems. Frankly it is bull shit. If the people of our nation would take responsibility for their OWN health, their own bodies and what they do to them, then we would not need a fraction of the health care that we need now.
High cholesterol? Diabetes? Digestive problems? Almost all cases can be prevented, avoided and even completely controlled by paying attention to what a person is putting in their body. People are eating highly processed, high fat, high calorie, unnatural foods that the human body was not designed to be subjected to.

So no, we don't need better prescription drug and health care coverage and availability, we need better education on general health and nutrition. This needs to start young and needs to be more available. We also need better regulation on food labeling, as to require honest thorough information. But if we did that, then the Dr. would not have so many patients, the drug companies would not be getting so rich off of limited income people, and the pocket book of Uncle Sam would be a little lighter, but we cant have that.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!!!

Not super exciting but a bit of a break from the everyday normal. Didn't do any studying this weekend until tonight. That may have been a mistake, but oh well!
BBQed with the kids and colored eggs last night. Steve came over, kept me company while I put together Easter baskets, it was nice as we don't have too much time together unless the kids are with dad. It was nice to wake up and have him there on
Easter. Took the kids to their family Easter celebration today as well. Got to visit with people I haven't seen in a long time and now that the kids are older they actually had alot of fun doing the Easter egg hunts and playing with cousins. It was really nice.
I didn't have much for high hopes this holiday, but the weekend really turned out great!

Now to get back to work and start stocking my email for anything from AAMI!

Friday, April 10, 2009

No turning back now

I sent off my AAMI application yesterday afternoon. Including the $2000 down payment and all the information for the payment agreement for the remainder of the balance. Holly crap. That is alot of money, and I feel guilty as all hell.
Seriously, I know I have to do it, that is a student loan and I really need to use it for my education right???

I really need more hours in my life now. I can't seem to keep up. I knew it would be this way. I prepared myself for it, but I'm still tired. It feels good in a way, but right now I just wish my house was clean and I could sleep for a full 8 hours.

But now I am also excited to hear back, I think I better figure out what books to buy first. I need to remember to get ahold of amazon, I am so frustrated, somehow my wish list on their site was lost or delete or something. I had made an entire list on there, took me a long time too!

I better go do something productive!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


It has been a week since I was on here. I have been studying, and neglecting my housework. I have been feeling guilty because I complain about Drake's soccer schedule. I have been up and down. The sun has come out and gone away. My grandma seems to be doing well, considering she knows she now will live with cancer in one way or another for the rest of her life, no matter how short or long it may be. I have been through a new spell of anger and sadness surrounding the fact that I have a niece only a few miles away, coming up on her 2nd birthday that I don't know, and another niece or nephew on the way that I will not get to hold either. And last but not least, I'm still holding out hope for my Brandi Kat , her DH and little bean.

Ok, now that nonsense rambling that means nothing to most in this world is over, I got all the paperwork to send into AAMI printed off, filled out and Thursday will have the checks ready and in the mail!!!!! AHHHH I cant wait, but know that it is the start of another crazy, time consuming time of my life. I am really struggling with not feeling guilty over it and was hoping these feelings would stay away until I had sent the papers off.

Nutrition, he has us diving into menu planning based on what my Basel Metabolic Rate is. Yep, sick awakening really, I should only be consuming just over 1600 calories a day. WHAT! No wonder I cant drop these damn 20 pounds! This is going to be one of those classes that is just a huge wake up call.

Easter is Sunday, I don't think I will drag the kids out before the sun to go to service. I didn't go last year either. I really hate that. It is my time, I don't go to church. I have my own reasons for that, but I do go to Easter service. It is my time for it, it is all for me. It isn't something I want to do if I am being distracted by everyone around me. That of course leaves another feeling of guilt for not taking the kids as I'm sure they could benefit from it as well. Maybe next year.

I am really in pretty good spirits, even if it doesn't seem so- Excited to see what the rest of spring holds and dive into summer, literally, I cant wait to hit the river!